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  • A "Nice" Place, Image # 1-0096
    A "Nice" Place, Image # 1-0096

    This "Nice" Place, Image # 1-0096, is located below a mountain within driving distance of Vancouver. It's purpose is obvious and many local people come to collect the mineral rich spring water. After a moment alone here, even a guy like me can feel the "Nice" in this Place, but I revert quick.  As I drove away I envisioned the guy putting the soup can there by the Buddha's knee with all his noisy friends watching and laughing.  And as they watched and laughed, a Nice, Tiny White Cloud appeared overhead, and it emitted a Nice Tiny White Lightning Bolt that made a quick little sizzle sound, and the soup-can guy became a cloud of dark dust that floated through the air and enveloped all his noisy friends, and the dark cloud disappeared, and no harm or insult would come to this Nice Place ever again. 

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  • A People Picture, Image # 1-0619
    A People Picture, Image # 1-0619

    The Walton's Honeymoon. So they want a photograph beside a waterfall at midnight, with sharp focus from front to back, with water drops frozen in the air, correct skin tones, and illuminated by natural moonlight only. Ha ha ha. Don't even try this with Present-day photo technology. It only cost 14 snake's livers to have the Witch of The West mumble the picture right. For the Walton's it's a Wall Hanger.
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  • Log Booms on the Frazer River, Image # 1-0115
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  • Varmints, Image # 1-2179


    Varmints, Image # 1-2179. In the Lloydminster Alberta area, now and again someone needs to go gopher hunting to keep the varmit population down to minimize the crop damage. In Alberta's Badlands the varmints are different, as seen in this photo. But with the Badland varmits it's really just the same old thing, you just need bigger guns.

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  • Image # 1-1440
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  • Tranquility Base, Image # 1-2493
    Tranquility Base, Image # 1-2493
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  • One Of The Mother Ships, Image # 1-2425c
    One Of The Mother Ships, Image # 1-2425c. 

    The 22 Alien Mother Ships were identical and really, really big, each being 3.5 miles wide and 7.5 miles long. Camouflaged to look like an anvil-shaped Cumulonimbus Cloud, this one travelled from the Pacific Ocean, past the Alberta Badlands where it was photographed, and headed east at normal cloud speeds, at an elevation of 52,000 feet, April 12, 2033.  Unseen and undetected by radar, human vision or other means, these mother ships circumnavigated the earth at strategic latitudes, with Sensors recording all Man-made buildings, roads, Industrial and Military facilities, and they mapped the Earth's natural geography. When the Aliens finished scanning and mapping, each ship stopped and hovered high at it's specific latitude. Working together, the ships emitted an audible buzzing sound for five seconds, then all Thermal, nuclear, and engine driven electric devices on earth simply failed. All electric tooth brushes quit! Planes in the air simply fell to the ground. Then, having completed the Alien equivalent of Sun Tzu and Ockham's Razor, as per the battle Plan, the Aliens left. No existing electric or gas operated machines or devices on Earth would ever work again. People were instantly reliant on Walking and "Work by Hand" methods. Over the next four weeks, 1.8 billion people starved and another 3.5 billion were killed by their neighbors or Travelling Strangers. It was a forseeable, but not likely worldwide version of the  "Zombie Invasion", long predicted by numerous Survivalist types and Home Owners in the U.S., and a lesser percentage of the population in Canada. It would be another six weeks before the Nightmare was over for almost everyone, except small groups and individuals who would live like hunted alley cats, scratching up dandelions, cactus, and cattails in the swamps, and rat and coyote meat without Ketchup. On July 04, 2033, the Aliens returned and set First Foot on Planet Earth. They had travelled far and accomplished much during thier earlier visit, so they descended down to the North American Mountains and Prairies for some Rest & Relaxation. And thus a new inter-galactic Vacation Resort was born. It was a place of delightful Flora, Fauna, and Photogenic Landscapes.....  OK, Could such a thing really happen...?   Possibly....   It already did... Sort of ... In 1859,  before human life was dependent on electricity (exept for the world's early telegraph lines), the first known Carrington Event occured (a strong solar storm). In March 1989, another small solar Storm killed the electrical supply in Quebec, Canada. Another one barely missed earth in 2012. If a very strong global solar storm hits earth during your time, just put on your cowboy boots and go country. You will need a lot of horses, guns, cows, hand tools, a Blacksmith, fruit, grain, vegtable seeds, a river or lake, trees, pasture, and many good friends to help each other to survive in the countryside that you and your friends must protect from Zombie attacks (24 hour sentries everywhere). The "Carrington Event" of 1859 is described on Wikipedia in greater detail.  Good Luck Folks, and keep a good distance from my fields, animals, buildings, crops and fenceline. You clear on that?
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