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  • Green-Winged Teal, Image # 7639

    Green-Winged Teal, Anas Crecca, Image # 7639, an attractive Duck, commonly mixes with other Waterfowl. Uttley's Trails.
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  • Canada Geesse, Branta canadensis, Image # 2449

    Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, Image # 2449, Uttleystrails.
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  • Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Image # 1-2347

    Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis, Image # 1-2347, is getting hard to find as it's population is declining. Uttleystrails.
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  • The Company's Canada Geese, Image # 4483cc

    The Company's Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, Image # 4483cc. Each spring a pair of Canada Geese build a nest and raise a brood of goslings on the roof of an oil storage tank. When old enough, they do a flying jump off the roof to the ground below, where they find themselves trapped inside a spill containment wall that surrounds the tank. Each year I set a plywood ramp over the wall, allowing the goslings to escape easily, before Hawks or other predators kill them. Uttley's Trails.
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  • Canada Geese and Goslings, Branta canadensis, Image # 4487

    Canada Geese and Goslings, Branta canadensis, Image # 4487, Uttley's Trails.
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  • Canada goose, Branta canadensis, Image # 4469

    Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, Image # 4469, Uttley's Trails.
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  • American Coot, Fulica americana, Image # 7621c

    American Coot, Fulica americana, Image # 7621c. Her little babies could easily win the local Ugly Baby contest, but not the World Title. Uttleystrails.
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  • Mallard Ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, Image # 7630

    Mallard Ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, Image # 7630, are the favored waterfowl for many people. Historically, for many North American Settlers, they were an important food. Uttleystrails.
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  • Tundra Swans, Cygnus columbianus, Image # 1976s

    Tundra Swans, Cygnus columbianus, Image # 1976s, are Much Favored and larger than most other Waterfowl, including the biggest geese. Uttleystrails.
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  • Nothern Shoveler Ducks, Anas clypeata, Image # 2640

     Nothern Shoveler Ducks, Anas clypeata, Image # 2640, Male and Female. Uttley's Trails.
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  • Mallard Ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, Image # 7628

    Mallard Ducks, Anas platyrhynchos; Image # 7628, Uttley's Trails.
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  • Mute Swans with Signet, (Cygnus olor), Image # 003

    Mute Swans with Signet, (Cygnus olor), Image # 003. More than a hundred years ago, Mute Swans were imported from Europe by North Americans, to decorate Public Parks and other properties. The Swan's Wing feathers were clipped to prevent them from escaping, But some did escape. Today, Wild Mute Swans have a considerable population in North America and migrate south for the winters, same as Native North American Tundra Swans and Whistler Swans. The practice of keeping Prisoner Swans ended many years ago. Uttleystrails.
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  • Blue-Winged Teal, Anas discors, Image # 2640

    Blue-Winged Teal, Anas discors, Image # 2640, is one of the smaller sized Ducks. Uttleystrails.

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  • Mute Swans, Cygnus olor, Image # 004-hp

    Mute Swans, Cygnus olor, Image # 004-hp, resting on a Not-yet frozen creek during the southern migration. Uttleystrails.
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  • American coot, Juvenile, Fulica americana, Image # 3578

    American coot, Juvenile, Fulica americana, Image # 3578, Uttleystrails.
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  • Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis, Image # 5589

    Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis, Image # 5589, Uttleystrails.


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  • Mallard Duck, Anas platyrhynchos, Image # 7627

    Mallard Duck, Anas platyrhynchos, Image # 7627, Male. Uttleystrails.
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  • American coot, Fulica americana, Image # 7633

    American coot, Fulica americana, Image # 7633, Uttleystrails.
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  • American coot, Fulica americana, Image # 2427

    American coot, Fulica americana, Image # 2427, Uttleystrails.
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  • Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, Image # 2452

    Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, Image # 2452, Uttleystrails.
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  • Snow Geese, (Anser caerulescens), Image # 5479

    Snow Geese, Anser caerulescens, Image # 5479, are considerably smaller than Canada Geese. Uttleystrails.
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  • Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis, Image # 7637

    Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis, Image # 7637, Uttleystrails.
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  • Snow Geese, (Anser caerulescens), Image # 4921

    Snow Geese, (Anser caerulescens), Image # 4921, Uttleystrails.
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  • Duck in a Hurry, Image # 7640h

    Duck in a Hurry, Image # 7640h, nesting time. Uttleystrails.
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  • Migrating Canada Geese, Image # 1939

    Migrating Canada Geese, Image # 1939, Uttleystrails.
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  • Mute Swans, Cygnus olor, Image # R-395

    Mute Swans, Cygnus olor, Image # R-395. The camera got this photograph of the female in threat posture (wings fluffed up), while her big male partner made the other wake in the water and introduced himself with a bang. Four stitches, but silver linings are where you find them, the camera did not get wet, and I got the picture.   Uttleystrails.
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  • Gull, Image # 2012-p

    Gull, Image # 2012-p.
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  • What Ducklings Do, Image # 1-3876-p

    What Ducklings Do, Image # 1-3876-p, as seen in this Decorative Photograph. Uttley's Trails Wall Décor.
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  • Waterfowl

    Portfolios offers Large, Decorative Photographs, Quality Prints, of various and many North America Waterfowl, for use as Home and Office Wall Décor. These Photographic Prints are bright and vividly colored, and when well chosen, will give that room it's own Personality. Of course the Home or Office room's existing color schemes are a factor when choosing Wall Décor. Yup, Pictures of Green Ducks won't usually work in a pink and white room, but that room might look pretty good with big well chosen Wildflower Prints.  

    Included the  Portfolio entitled "Waterfowl", are;
  • Green-Winged Teal, Anas Crecca;
  • Blue-Winged Teal, Anas discors;
  • Canada Geese, Branta Canadensis;
  • Mallard Ducks, Anas platyrhynchos;
  • Tundra Swans, Cygnus columbianus;
  • Mute Swans, Cygnus olor;
  • Nothern Shoveler Ducks, Anas clypeata;
  • American Coot, Fulica Americana;
  • Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis;
  • Snow Geese, Anser caerulescens;
  • Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis;
  • Cormorants;
  • Pelicans;
  • and more.  
  • Birds are listed under a "Birds Of North America" Portfolio.  
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