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  • Smooth Blue Aster, (Symphyotrichum laeve), Image # 1656-p

    Smooth Blue Aster, (Symphyotrichum laeve), Image # 1656-p, Uttley's Trails Decorative Photographs, Wildflowers.
    Not For Sale
  • Smooth Blue Aster, (Symphyotrichum laeve), Image # 1682-p

    Smooth Blue Aster, (Symphyotrichum laeve), Image # 1682-p,
    Uttley's Trails Decorative Photographs, Wildflowers.
    Not For Sale
  • Scarlet Gilia, Ipomopsis aggregate, Image # 9749

    Scarlet Gilia, Ipomopsis aggregate, Image # 9749. Other names are Scarlet Trumpet, Scarlet Skyrocket, Uttleystrails.
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  • Sunflowers, Image # 1-4185

    Sunflowers, Image # 1-4185, Uttleystrails.

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  • Wildflowers, Image # 5647

    Wildflowers, Image # 5647, Uttleystrails.

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  • Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa, Image # 8100

    Wild Bergamot, (Monarda fistulosa), Image # 8100. also called Beebalm, and is of the Lamiaceae (Mint Family).  Crushing the leaves releases the mint odour. Uttleystrails.
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  • Lupine, Image # 5855

    Lupine, Image # 5855, Uttleystrails.

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  • Gaura coccinea, Image # 8230c

    Gaura coccinea, Image # 8230c. Also called Beeblossom, butterfly weed. It's a very tiny flower and very intricate and delicate. The whole plant looks like a rag-mop weed of no interest, so I was lucky to spot the little flowers. Uttleystrails.
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  • Harebells, Campanula rotundifolia, Image # 8182

    Harebells, (Campanula rotundifolia), Image # 8182. Wildflowers found in most of the Northern Hemisphere. Common names include bellflower, witch's thimble, and fairies’ thimbles. Uttleystrails.

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  • Buckbrush, Symphoricarpos occidentalis, Image # 8167

    Buckbrush, Symphoricarpos occidentalis, Image # 8167. Uttleystrails.
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  • Gaura coccinea, Image # 8244

    Gaura coccinea, Image # 8244. Also called Beeblossom, butterflyweed. It's a very tiny flower and very intricate and delicate. The whole plant looks like a rag-mop weed of no interest.  It's easy to miss the tiny little flowers.

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  • Yellow Columbine, Image # 6407-p

    Yellow Columbine, (Aquilegia flavescens), Image # 6407-p. Buttercup Family, Photographed near Merrit, British Columbia. Uttleystrails.
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  • Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Image # 6360

    Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Image # 6360, Common blanket flower, Uttleystrails.
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  • Spotted Knapweed, Centaurea biebersteinii, Image # 6353

    Spotted Knapweed, Centaurea biebersteinii, Image # 6353, Uttleystrails.
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  • Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Image # 6360c

    Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Image # 6360c, Common blanket flower, Uttleystrails.
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  • Wildflowers, Image # 8115-p

    Wild Bergamot, (Monarda fistulosa), Image # 8115-p, also called Beebalm, and is of the Lamiaceae (Mint Family).  Crushing the leaves releases the mint odour. Uttleystrails.
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  • Lupine, Image # 5863

    Lupine, Image # 5863. Like many of our Native Wild Plants, Lupine is found in many parts of the world and is very abundant on the lava surface of Iceland. There are many varieties in the Rocky Mountains. Uttley's Trails Art Prints and Images for Wildflower Wall Décor.
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  • Sticky Purple Geranium, (Geranium viscosissimum), Image # R-444

    Sticky Purple Geranium, (Geranium viscosissimum), Image # R-444. Uttleystrails.
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  • Sticky Purple Geranium, (Geranium viscosissimum), Image # R-330

    Sticky Purple Geranium, (Geranium viscosissimum), Image # R-330, Uttleystrails.
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  • Wildflowers, Image # 6332v

    Wildflowers, Image # 6332v, Uttleystrails.
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  • Smooth Blue Aster, (Symphyotrichum laeve), Image # 1656-AU2

    Smooth Blue Aster, (Symphyotrichum laeve), Image # 1656-AU2, Uttleystrails.
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  • Wildflowers, Image # 5750

    Wildflowers, Image # 5750, Uttleystrails.
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  • Scarlet Gaura, Gaura coccinea, Image # 8217c

    Scarlet Gaura, Gaura coccinea, Image # 8217c. Also called Beeblossom, butterflyweed. It's a very tiny flower and very intricate and delicate. The whole plant looks like a rag-mop weed of no interest, but the little flowers make a great picture. The Scarlet Gaura is a native prairie plant that has been killed off by agricultural chemicals and seeding, so it is a very lucky find.

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  • Purple Avens, Geum rivale, Image # 6174

    Purple Avens, (Geum rivale), Image # 6174. Wildflower, Also called the nodding avens, drooping avens, cure-all, and water flower.  Grows in bogs and grassy wet places. Uttleystrails
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  • Columbian Tiger lily, Lilium columbianum, Image # 5874-p

    Columbian Tiger lily, Lilium columbianum, Image # 5874-p. Wildflowers also called Oregon Lily, Tiger Lily, and Columbia Lily. This very popular wildflower lives in mountain lowlands, forest openings, and meadows from southern British Columbia to California.
    Uttley's Trails.
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  • Yellow Indian Paintbrush, Image # 6248

    Yellow Indian paintbrush, Image # 6248. Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Spreading Dogbane, Apocynum androsaemifolium, Image # 8180

    Spreading Dogbane, Apocynum androsaemifolium, Image # 8180, Uttleystrails.
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  • Harebells, Image # 5832

    Harebells, Image # 5832, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Shrubby Cinquefoil, (Potentilla fruiticosa), Image # 6330

    Shrubby Cinquefoil, (Potentilla fruiticosa), Image # 6330. Rocky Mountain Wildflowers, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Polygon Pond, Image # 1-0508

    Polygon Pond, Image # 1-0508, Wildflowers. Uttleystrails.
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  • Gaura coccinea, Image # 8232

    Gaura coccinea, Also called Beeblossom, butterflyweed, Image # 8232. It's a very tiny flower and very intricate and delicate. The whole plant looks like a rag-mop weed of no interest, so I was lucky to spot the little flowers.
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  • Lupine, Image # 9656-p

    Lupine, Image # 9656-p, with Native Wild Orchids in the background. There are many varieties of Lupine in the Rocky Mountains and many parts of the world. Some species are found near wet areas and some are very abundant on the sparse, thin earth cover over the lava surface of Iceland. The Beans of some Lupines have been used as food by various people in past history, but it is said some varieties of Lupine are considered to be poisonous to livestock, deer and Man. What I know is, Lupine can be used to make very nice Decorative Photographs for use as Wildflower Wall Décor. Uttley's Trails, Quality Art Prints and Images.
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  • Mountain Dandelion, Agoseris aurantiaca, Image # 9769

    Mountain Dandelion, Agoseris aurantiaca, Image # 9769, which is usually orange but yellow specimens do occur. Or it may be Agoseris glauca which is normally yellow, but I can't tell them apart. Uttleystrails.
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  • Indian Paintbrush, (Castilleja), Image # 8841

    Indian Paintbrush, (Castilleja), Image # 8841, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Larkspur, Image # 8734-p

    Larkspur, Image # 8734-p, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8828c2

    Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8828c2, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8809

    Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8809, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Willow-Herb, Image #8890

    Willow-Herb, Image #8890, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Willow-Herb, Image #8875

    Willow-Herb, Image #8875, Uttleystrails.
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  • Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8766

    Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8766, Wildflowers, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8913

    Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8913. This one just stood there waving it's arms and screaming "Take my Picture". Uttleystrails.
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  • Willow-Herb, Image # 8889

    Willow-Herb, Image # 8889, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Asters, Image # 8969c

    Asters, Image # 8969c, having very large leaves at the bottom and getting smaller at the top of the stalk. Abundant in some places in British Columbia.  Uttleystrails.
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  • Indian Paintbrushes, Image # 8818c

    Indian Paintbrushes, Image # 8818c, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8854c

    Indian Paintbrush, Image # 8854c, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Willow-Herb, Image # 8860c

    Willow-Herb, Image # 8860c, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Willow-herb, Image # 8892

    Willow Herb, Image # 8892, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Harebells, Campanula rotundifolia, Image # 9035

    Harebells, Campanula rotundifolia, Image # 9035, Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Aster, Image # 8969

    Aster, Image # 8969, having very large leaves at the bottom and getting smaller at the top of the stalk. Abundant in some places in British Columbia. Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
  • Orange Hawkweed, Hieracium aurantiacum, Image # 9450

    Orange Hawkweed, Hieracium aurantiacum, Image # 9450. This wildflower is listed as an undesirable weed. In small numbers it is quite attractive on shady woodland floors. Uttleystrails.
    Not For Sale
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Wildflowers of North America, Page 2

Wildflowers of North America Pg 2 Wildflower Photography offers a large selection of Decorative Photographs, Quality Prints and Images of North American Wildflowers that may be common, not-so-common, or rare. With the wide variety of bright and vividly colored Fine Art Wildflower Photographs (Quality Prints), you and Decorators can find Photographic Wildflower Wall Décor to match existing color schemes in Homes and Offices. Because of the fine detail and 16 X 20 inch or larger size, these bright and vividly colored Quality Photograph Prints grab the eyes of a person entering the room. So hang them high, and flaunt them when company comes!

Native Wild Orchids are not listed with the Decorative Wildflower photographs pages but as “Orchids, Native, Wild”, because they are special, they’re Wild Orchids.

At present only prints Quality photographs sized from 16 x 20 inches to 24 x 36 inches. Most of these wildflowers were photographed in the Rocky Mountains, Montana, Alberta, British Columbia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Ontario. Some Wildflower Photographs are not intended as Artistic Wall Décor, but are included to serve as Wildflower Identification Reference examples for those pesky Wildflower Hunters.  Enjoy looking at the pictures as often as you want. has a number of Outdoor Stories found way down in the left menu. The kids will enjoy them too.

Other photography subjects in the menu include Waterfalls, Cascades, Mountains and Landscapes, Plus Wildlife including Decorative Photographs of Birds of North America, Hawks, Deer, Moose, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Elk, Bears, and Small Wild Animals such as Weasels, Gophers, Squirrels, etc. There is a History page with Decorative Photographs of mining and farming sites, machinery, people, log cabins, bridges, historic firearms and more.


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