Wildflowers of North America, Pg. 6 | 45 Images

Wildflowers of Nortn America, Pg. 6




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Columbian Tiger lily, Lilium columbianum, Image # 5876
Columbian Tiger lily, Lilium columbianum, Image # 5876
Water Smartweed, Persicaria amphibia, Image # 3711
Water Smartweed, Persicaria amphibia, Image # 3711
Bluebells, Mertensia paniculata, Wildflowers, Image # 5693
Bluebells, Mertensia paniculata, Wildflowers, Image # 5693
Chokecherry, Prunus virginiana, Image # 1752
Chokecherry, Prunus virginiana, Image # 1752
Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Wildflowers, Image # 8169
Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Wildflowers, Image # 8169
Prairie Crocus, Anemone patens, Image # R-309
Prairie Crocus, Anemone patens, Image # R-309
Woodland Strawberry, (Fragaria vesca), Image # R-428
Woodland Strawberry, (Fragaria vesca), Image # R-428
Heart-leaf Arnica, (Arnica montana), Herbal Wildflowers, Image # R-427
Heart-leaf Arnica, (Arnica montana), Herbal Wildflowers, Image # R-427
Western Blue Virgin's bower, Image # 326
Western Blue Virgin's bower, Image # 326
Yellow Monkey Flower, Mimulus guttatus, Image # R-339
Yellow Monkey Flower, Mimulus guttatus, Image # R-339
Wild Lily-of-the-valley, Maianthemum canadens, Image # 446
Wild Lily-of-the-valley, Maianthemum canadens, Image # 446
Heart-leaf Arnica, (Arnica montana), Image # 426
Heart-leaf Arnica, (Arnica montana), Image # 426
Fireweed, Chamerion angustifolium, Image # 6537
Fireweed, Chamerion angustifolium, Image # 6537
Yellow Indian Paintbrush, Castilleja, Wildflowers, Image # 5646
Yellow Indian Paintbrush, Castilleja, Wildflowers, Image # 5646
Harebells, (Campanula rotundifolia), Image # 6297
Harebells, (Campanula rotundifolia), Image # 6297
Common Evening Primrose, Image # 8265
Common Evening Primrose, Image # 8265
Yellow and Red Columbine, (Aquilegia), Image # 6425
Yellow and Red Columbine, (Aquilegia), Image # 6425
Columbian Tiger lily, Lilium columbianum, Image # 5876-p
Columbian Tiger lily, Lilium columbianum, Image # 5876-p
White Camus, (Zigadenus elegans), Image # 6316-p
White Camus, (Zigadenus elegans), Image # 6316-p
Prairie Crocus, Anemone patens, Image # 418
Prairie Crocus, Anemone patens, Image # 418
Fringed Polygala, (Polygala paucifolia), Image # R-344
Fringed Polygala, (Polygala paucifolia), Image # R-344
Wild White Roses, Alberta, Unknown Wildflowers, Image # 3180
Wild White Roses, Alberta, Unknown Wildflowers, Image # 3180
Blue Flag Iris, (Iris versicolor), Image # R-272
Blue Flag Iris, (Iris versicolor), Image # R-272
Shooting Stars, Dodecatheon pulchellum, Image # 004
Shooting Stars, Dodecatheon pulchellum, Image # 004
Water Smartweed, Persicaria amphibia, Image # 3716
Water Smartweed, Persicaria amphibia, Image # 3716
Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Image # R-434
Gaillardia, (Gaillardia aristata), Image # R-434
Mountain Laurel, (Kalmia polifolia), Image # R-346
Mountain Laurel, (Kalmia polifolia), Image # R-346
Scarlet Gaura, Gaura coccinea, Image # 8217
Scarlet Gaura, Gaura coccinea, Image # 8217
Yellow Columbine, (Aquilegia), Image # 6422
Yellow Columbine, (Aquilegia), Image # 6422
White Trillium, Green Mutation, Image # R-203
White Trillium, Green Mutation, Image # R-203
Blue Monkey Flower, (Mimulus), Image # R-348
Blue Monkey Flower, (Mimulus), Image # R-348
Shrubby Cinquefoil, (Potentilla fruiticosa), Image # 6451c
Shrubby Cinquefoil, (Potentilla fruiticosa), Image # 6451c
Red Clover, (Trifolium pretense), Image # 6300
Red Clover, (Trifolium pretense), Image # 6300
 Shrubby Cinquefoil, (Potentilla fruiticosa), Image # 6074
Shrubby Cinquefoil, (Potentilla fruiticosa), Image # 6074
Red Clover, (Trifolium pretense), Image # 8657
Red Clover, (Trifolium pretense), Image # 8657
Yellow Columbine, (Aquilegia), Image # 282
Yellow Columbine, (Aquilegia), Image # 282
Larkspur, Image # 8858
Larkspur, Image # 8858
Wildflowers, Image # 8682
Wildflowers, Image # 8682
Wild Bergamot, (Monarda fistulosa), Image # 8108
Wild Bergamot, (Monarda fistulosa), Image # 8108
Canadian White Violet, (Viola Canadensis), Image # R-260
Canadian White Violet, (Viola Canadensis), Image # R-260
Night-flowering Catchfly, Silene noctiflora, Image # 1-0675
Night-flowering Catchfly, Silene noctiflora, Image # 1-0675
Wild Calla, (Calla palustris), Image # 273
Wild Calla, (Calla palustris), Image # 273
False Lily-of-the-valley, Maianthemum dilatatum , Image # 420
False Lily-of-the-valley, Maianthemum dilatatum , Image # 420
Wildflowers, Image # 6323
Wildflowers, Image # 6323
Wild Licorice, Image # 8070
Wild Licorice, Image # 8070